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Commercial Bain Maries

$ 4422.55$ 4020.50
Category:Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Kitchen Appliances > Food Warmers
Model Number:PG150FE-YG
Availability:Available for Order

Product Specifications

Brand Bain Marie

About Product

Our Bain Marie Cabinets are ideal for Commercial, Catering & Industrial Kitchens, Restaurants, Hotels, Reception Venues, Cafés, Buffets, Bistros, Chinese Restaurants, Coffee Bars and also Snack Bars, Fast Food, Bakeries, Pizzeria, Takeaway and Fish & Chip shops. Cabinets are of solid stainless steel construction ensuring long lasting durability & quality and they meet or exceed appropriate standards. Models include display, countertop & free-standing. Our Bain Marie Cabinets are easy to install and are easy to clean. They have advanced controls providing accurate temperature control so food is kept safe. Visit here for more about:

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